God moved amongst the Generations
It has been an incredible 3 weeks of ministry in the USA. To watch as God touches the lives of all ages. Children were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in their Heavenly Language. Others stepped out and prayed for the Sick in the Sunday Services with Signs and Wonders. Adults were healed as children laid hands on them believing for their miracle. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?
Children can do the EVERYTHING that Jesus said they could. All they need is to be equipped and trained HOW. I loved watching as families learnt together. I had the great honour of ministering in 3 cities while in the USA.
Nashville Tennessee: I was honoured to do two workshops at the KidMin MegaCon Conference where over 1600 Children's Ministry Leaders gathered from all over the US and other nations.
Houston Texas: Saw parents, Children and Leaders been trained together at the "GO Light Your World" Both Adults and Children were filled with the Holy Spirit. I have ministered a number of times at Braeswood Church where Pastor Steve & Donna Banning are the Senior Pastors. This church is Home from Home for me. Sunday morning we had the entire congregation use Glow Sticks and their Phone Lights as I preached on "Houston - the Lights are ON for You"
Granbury Texas: The "GO Change the World Family Conference" brought together all the generations. Merrie Cardin is the Senior Leader at Brazos Covenant Ministries and Torry Norris is the Children's Pastor. I loved every minute of been in this church. An Apostolic Church which loves the Generations. Many Children and Adults were filled with the Holy Spirit as they encountered God. Many healed in the Sunday service as Children prayed over Adults. Thank you for the P
THANK YOU to all who allowed me to minister over these 3 weeks. This has been a RICH Deposit in my own life.
I am so looking forward to returning to these 2 church in 2018 and to other churches in the USA.